Academic Projects

Image Analysis software for a rover prototype [Fec '12-May '12] :link:

Image analysis solution on OpenCV to detect the obstacles on the path of the Rover Navigation using Stereo Vision based disparity mapping [SAD Algorithm] and obstacle detection based on threshold.Two web-camera placed at certain distance apart helps to get the stereo image of the current environment. The images when superimposed has the depth information. Sliding SAD(sum of Absolute difference) algorithm helps to get this depth information by sliding right image over the left, in this way the 2D image can now generate the 3D depth information. This is used to detect the presence of obstacle in front of the rover.
Tools :OpenCV,VLP player(live treaming of videos from bioplar cameras)
Environment : Windows XP
Contributors : Chaitra.T, Mekhala.H and Deepti Deshpande

Inter relation between Texas inflow and Veteran affairs expenses for FY08 [Jan '14-May '14] :link:

Visualization of Veteran Expenditures (GDX) is an annual report with estimated VA expenditures for major programmatic areas by geographic area of Texas in the Calendar Year 2007-2008.Using Google Visualization API
Tools : HTML, CSS, Google charts API
Contributors : Taruni.G and Deepti Deshpande

Library Management System [Jan '14-May '14]

LMS 10.1 is a window based application with Java front end connecting MySql Server 5.6. The application handle following Library management operations: Browsing, Check out of book, Check in of book, Setting up new borrower and Dues and Fine Management.The connectivity between Java window application and the DB is achieved through JDBC driver.
Tools : MySql 5.6, JDBC drivers, Java 7+
Environment : Windows 7

Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms [Mar '14 – May '14]

Implementation of ID3 Binary Classification,Neural Network ,HMM and Viterbi decoding and Value Iteration algorithms.
Tools : Java
Environment : Windows 7

Hobby Project :UTD Robot Chess [Jan '14-May '14]:link:

Robot Chess is a UTD project with multi-disciplinary involvement. It basically has chess bots and chess engine. Player can play a tournament with computer on Chess engine over web and the Chess bots make movements as per user and computer movements.As a computer science student my contribution is to develop the Chess Engine for Human-Computer or Computer-Computer game play.
Algorithm : Adversarial search algorithm Alpha-Beta pruning
Tools : Java 7+
Environment : Windows 7
Contributors : UTD Mechanical,Electical and Computer science students.

Chess 5.4 [Jun '14-Aug '14]

Chess 5.4 is a Windows GUI Gaming Application with the implementation of Adversarial Search algorithm:Alpha-beta pruning. The chess engine has a whole set of user configurable options to select the level of play by computer and Speed of computer responses.
Algorithm : Adversarial search algorithm Alpha-Beta pruning
Tools : Java Swings
Environment : Windows 7

Cloud Computing Project [Sep '14-Dec '14]

Building the Robocode SAAS application on Google App engine Platform. And implementing the Access Control Protocols and Multitenancey for the SAAS application using the GAE ACL API and Google data Store.
Tools : Google data store API's, NoSQL, RESTful services and Java.
Environment : Google App Engine

Analysis of Trending Song tweets with Spark Real-time streaming [Sep '14 – Dec '14]

Real-time streaming of twitter data to analyze trending songs based on geo-location.
Tools : Hadoop Mapreduce, Cassandra, Pig, Hive,Spark Real-time streaming
Environment :Linux
Contributors :Sourav Das, Bandi Shankar,Deepti Deshpande,Sahana Ramaswamy,Deepak Negi, Swati Gupta

Big data projects [Sep '14-Dec '14]

-> Feature exploration for UK criminal data and IMDB and data analysis using for Hadoop Mapreduce.
-> Hobby Project: Implementation of optimal sloution for Google Ngram data analysis of using Hadoop Mapreduce.
-> Hobby Project: Analyze unique word count and median per tweet
Tools : Hadoop Mapreduce, Cassandra, Pig, Hive,Spark Real-time streaming
Environment :Linux

Algorithmic aspects of telecommunication networks[Jun '14-Aug '14]

->Implementation cost optimized network topology design using Ant Colony Optimization(Swarm Intelligence) algorithm. Implementation using Java and visualization using python
->Network topology design with cost optimization using Genetic algorithm Implementation using Java and visualization using python

Hobby project: Political event analysis [Oct '14- Current]

Big Data research project.
Tools : Hadoop, MangoDb, CoreNLP, Spark, Scala
Environment :Linux
